How To Make Your Draperies Last

Posted on: 30 March 2015
Draperies are a critical part of your home decor. A good drapery material will last for many years, given the appropriate care and maintenance. These tips will help you maintain your draperies, keeping them looking beautiful for years or even decades.  Follow Manufacturer's Care Instructions Some materials are very delicate when wet and cannot be laundered in a washing machine, while other materials shrink horribly when they dry. Others still respond well to cleaning with simple water and laundry detergent.
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Top Gifts For Gardening Enthusiasts

Posted on: 19 March 2015
Are you searching for the perfect gift for an upcoming birthday or anniversary? Does the recipient enjoy gardening or flowers? Here are some gift suggestions to help make the day special: Exotic seeds: Many gardeners know about plants that they would love to grow, but they either can't find the seeds or can't justify the expense of purchasing them. Try to find out if the intended recipient has been searching for a particular type of plant or seed.
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5 Inexpensive Ways To Refresh An Older Bathroom

Posted on: 4 March 2015
Remodeling a bathroom can be a great way to add value to your home due to it being one of the first things potential homebuyers look at when house-shopping. If you want to make some upgrades in your bathroom while on a budget, you should start small and consider which projects will make a big visual improvement without costing a lot. Incorporate Accent Tiles Ripping out the existing tile flooring or walls is expensive and should be avoided if you're trying to remodel your bathroom while on a budget.
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Stay Safe And Protect Your Investment - Tips For Gas Appliance Maintenance And Safety

Posted on: 24 February 2015
Owning your own home is one of the most exciting and satisfying accomplishments of anyone's life, but it also comes with myriad challenges. High on the list of these is the challenge of maintaining and getting the most out of every aspect of your home, including the appliances you've installed. Popular with many people for their reliability and consistency, gas appliances do require a good deal of maintenance, upkeep, and safety considerations.
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